
Height, age, net worth, real name, and biography of Wilbur Soot


Height, age, net worth, real name, and biography of Wilbur Soot

A tall British Twitch streamer, YouTuber, and musician by the name of Wilbur Soot, William Patrick Spencer Gold is also a musician. Before launching his own YouTube channel in 2019, he first gained notoriety in 2017 for his efforts with the group comedy YouTube channel Soot House.

Biography of Wilbur Soot

William Patrick Spencer Gold was born in Suffolk, UK, on September 14, 1996.


For his contributions to the SootHouse YouTube channel, which he and a couple of his pals founded, Gold gained notoriety in 2017. The majority of the channel’s content were reaction videos, and among other things, its users talked about memes and life hacks.

On March 29, 2019, Gold launched Wilbur Soot, his primary YouTube channel. On April 8, 2020, his primary channel gained its first million members; it now has over 6 million. He also has over 4.6 million followers on Twitch, where he live streams, making him one of the most popular channels there.

He joined the Dream SMP, a Minecraft server managed by YouTuber Dream, in 2020. Gold created the fictional nation of L’Manberg in the game Minecraft and later took the lead in crafting the server’s myths and legends.


In 2018, he released “The “Good Man” Ballad,” his debut single. With the release of his sixth single, “Your New Boyfriend,” in December 2020, Gold made his first appearance on the charts. It peaked at number 65 on the UK Singles Chart. Also, he has appeared on a number of artist charts, including Rolling Stone’s Top Breakout Chart and Billboard’s Emerging Artists Chart.

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Along with their friend Joe Goldsmith, Gold founded the independent rock group Lovejoy in 2021. The band’s main vocalist, rhythm guitarist, and co-songwriter is Gold; the band’s lead guitarist, co-songwriter, and backing vocalist is Goldsmith; the drummer and co-songwriter is Mark Boardman; and the bassist and co-songwriter is Ash Kabosu.

Are You Okay, Lovejoy’s debut EP, was released on May 9, 2021. A few days later, they made their debut at position 10 on Billboard’s ranking for emerging artists. Pebble Brain, their second EP, was released on October 14, 2021, and peaked at number 12 on the UK Albums Chart in terms of streaming.

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Songs by Wilbur Soot

The Ballad of the “Good Man”
Maybe I Was Boring Because I Am Extremely Brilliant
Please return, Karen—I miss the kids.
An online girl has my heart.
Internet destroyed me.
Your brand-new partner
Knee Deep at ATP, Soft Boy
When You’re Older, You’ll Know
The Autumnal Scent
Oh, You’re Going to Cry?
Concerning One Day Sex Sells Taunting Concrete
It’s all pointless. It’s all for nothing!
replica buses
An online girl has my heart.

Worth of Wilbur Soot

According to estimates, Wilbur Soot will be valued $800,000 in 2022.

Wilbur Soot: Commonly Asked Questions

What is Wilbur Soot’s age?

26 years of age is Wilbur.

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What Height Has Wilbur Soot?

Wilbur Soot is 6 feet 5 inches tall when it comes to height. That height is significant.
