
8 High-Demand Courses for Canada Study (Eligibility , schools in Canada, deadline and lot)


Ever considered studying in Canada? You’re not alone. Thousands flock to Canada every year in pursuit of world-class education. But what are the courses that promise bright futures? Let’s dive in.

Benefits of Studying in Canada

World-class Education: Canada’s educational institutions are renowned globally. A degree from a Canadian university is recognized and respected universally.

Diverse Culture; Studying in Canada offers exposure to a multitude of cultural diversities, enriching your overall learning experience.

Employment Opportunities: The demand for certain professions is soaring in Canada. Studying high-demand courses can open doors to numerous job opportunities post-graduation.


High-Demand Courses for Canada Study

Graphic Design

As businesses strive to stand out in a bustling digital marketplace, the demand for creative graphic designers who can encapsulate a brand’s essence visually is skyrocketing

  • Eligibility: Got a Bachelor’s in arts? A juicy portfolio to show? That’s your ticket.
  • Tuition Fees: On average, you’d look at about CA$20,500 each year.
  • Schools Offering: Think OCAD University or Sheridan College. Ring any bells?
  • Available Scholarships: Ever heard of the Canadian Design Excellence Scholarship? Worth checking out!
  • Deadlines: Aim to wrap things up by May 1
  • Acceptance Rate: Just a heads up, 41% make the cut.
  • Steps on How to Apply: Ready? Start with an online application, throw in that portfolio of yours, past academic records, and of course, why you’re in love with design.
  • Links to Apply: Check out OCADU or Sheridan.
  • Application Fee: CA$105 is the magic number.
  • Scholarship Amount: Feeling lucky? You might land up to CA$8,000.

Public Health

Given the recent global health challenges and Canada’s emphasis on healthcare, expertise in public health is crucial to strategize and implement effective health policies.

  • Eligibility: A Bachelor’s in health sciences or something similar should do.
  • Tuition Fees: Think in the ballpark of CA$22,000 yearly.
  • Schools Offering: University of Toronto and McMaster University are on the frontline.
  • Available Scholarships: The Canadian Public Health Scholar Initiative. Sound interesting?
  • Deadlines: February 20, 2023 – that’s your finish line.
  • Acceptance Rate: A 36% chance? Those aren’t bad odds!
  • Steps on How to Apply: Kickstart your journey online, back it up with academic records, and references, and spill the beans on why public health calls to you.
  • Links to Apply: Here’s where you head: UofT or McMaster.
  • Application Fee: Have CA$115? That’s what you’ll need.
  • Scholarship Amount: Up to CA$9,500 – not too shabby, eh?
See also  Yokohama National University Scholarship Program for International Students

Environmental Science

With climate change concerns on the rise and Canada’s commitment to environmental stewardship, professionals in this field are pivotal to shaping sustainable policies and practices.

  • Eligibility: A Bachelor’s in biology, chemistry, or environmental studies could be your golden ticket.
  • Tuition Fees: Approximately CA$21,000 per annum.
  • Schools Offering: The University of British Columbia and University of Alberta are pioneers here.
  • Available Scholarships: Look out for the Canada Environmental Sustainability Scholarship.
  • Deadlines: Mark your calendar for March 15.
  • Acceptance Rate: Roughly 39% find their spot.
  • Steps on How to Apply: Dive into an online application, blend in your academic transcripts, get a couple of references, and pen down your environmental vision.
  • Links to Apply: Here’s your pit stop: UBC or UAlberta.
  • Application Fee: CA$110 is what you’re aiming for.
  • Scholarship Amount: CA$8,500 could be in your corner.

Data Science & Analytics

In an age where decisions are data-backed, Canada’s industries are in dire need of data scientists to interpret complex data structures for growth and efficiency.

  • Eligibility: Got a Bachelor’s in computer science, statistics, or math? You’re on track.
  • Tuition Fees: Set your sights on CA$23,500 annually.
  • Schools Offering: University of Waterloo and Dalhousie University are your go-to hubs.
  • Available Scholarships: The Canadian Data Science Excellence Award should be on your radar.
  • Deadlines: Don’t miss the boat – April 10, is the deadline.
  • Acceptance Rate: Around 33% make the grade.
  • Steps on How to Apply: Start digitally, plug in those academic achievements, slide in a statement of purpose, and throw in references to vouch for you.
  • Links to Apply: Dive into Waterloo or Dalhousie.
  • Application Fee: CA$120 – that’s your golden number.
  • Scholarship Amount: You could pocket a cool CA$10,000.

Business Administration (MBA)

The corporate world values the broad-based knowledge and skill set an MBA graduate brings, making it a sought-after degree in Canada’s thriving business environment.

  • Eligibility: A bachelor’s degree and a couple of years of work experience usually seals the deal.
  • Tuition Fees: Expect CA$30,000 to CA$50,000 annually, depending on the institution.
  • Schools Offering: York University’s Schulich and University of Toronto’s Rotman are stellar options.
  • Available Scholarships: Canadian MBA Leadership Scholarships are up for grabs.
  • Deadlines: Set your reminder for January 25.
  • Acceptance Rate: Approximately 28% get the green light.
  • Steps on How to Apply: Beyond your online application, get those recommendation letters, GMAT scores, and a killer resume.
  • Links to Apply: Schulich or Rotman.
  • Application Fee: A slightly steeper CA$150.
  • Scholarship Amount: A whopping CA$25,000 could be yours.
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Computer Engineering

With the surge in technological advancements and Canada’s commitment to innovation, computer engineers are at the forefront of digital transformation, ensuring Canada stays competitive on the global stage.

  • Eligibility: A Bachelor’s in computer science, electronics, or a related field should be your starting point.
  • Tuition Fees: Prepare to invest around CA$24,000 annually.
  • Schools Offering: University of Calgary and Queen’s University are tech heavens.
  • Available Scholarships: The Canadian Tech Innovators Scholarship is a potential boon.
  • Deadlines: The window closes on March 20.
  • Acceptance Rate: 35% is the magic number.
  • Steps on How to Apply: An online application is your start, then toss in those academic transcripts, a statement of intent, and a few recommendation letters.
  • Links to Apply: Shoot over to UCalgary or Queen’s.
  • Application Fee: CA$125 should do it.
  • Scholarship Amount: As much as CA$9,000 can come your way.


With an aging population and an ever-expanding healthcare sector, nurses play a pivotal role in delivering quality care, making them indispensable in the Canadian job market.

  • Eligibility: A Bachelor’s in health or medical-related fields is usually the baseline.
  • Tuition Fees: The range is broad, but CA$18,000 annually is average.
  • Schools Offering: The University of Manitoba and McGill University stand out.
  • Available Scholarships: Canadian Nursing Foundation Scholarships could be your best bet.
  • Deadlines: Got February 15, circled?
  • Acceptance Rate: About 40% get to don the white coat.
  • Steps on How to Apply: The online application is your foot in the door. Pair it with academic records, professional experience, and a statement detailing your passion.
  • Links to Apply: Check out UManitoba or McGill.
  • Application Fee: CA$110 should cover it.
  • Scholarship Amount: CA$3,000 to CA$5,000 can be yours if you fit the bill.

Aerospace Engineering

Canada, as a nation, is heavily invested in aerospace research and development. This sector’s significance can’t be overstated, with Canada being home to numerous aerospace firms and startups.

  • Eligibility: A Bachelor’s in mechanical engineering or a related discipline is essential.
  • Tuition Fees: Gear up for around CA$25,500 per year.
  • Schools Offering: University of Toronto and Concordia University are making waves here.
  • Available Scholarships: The Canadian Aerospace Future Leaders Program might be of interest.
  • Deadlines: June 1,, is when the curtain falls.
  • Acceptance Rate: Only 30% soar into the program.
  • Steps on How to Apply: Start online, integrate your academic records, include work projects or relevant experience, and don’t forget those letters of recommendation.
  • Links to Apply: Fly over to UofT or Concordia.
  • Application Fee: Have CA$135 ready.
  • Scholarship Amount: A potential windfall of CA$10,500 awaits.
See also  5 Best Engineering Scholarships in Canada for 2023 (Eligibility , Deadlines, fees and lot)


Alright, adventurer, that was a whirlwind ride through some of the best educational avenues Canada has on offer. From scholarships to step-by-step application processes, I hope this serves as your North Star. Dive in, explore, and let Canada’s academic scene sweep you off your feet!


Which Canadian hotshots offer the most scholarships? You’re looking at big names like the University of Toronto, McGill, and UBC.

Entrance exams – yay or nay? Depends on the course! GMAT for business or a killer portfolio for arts.

How tough is the competition? Some top-tier places have a 25-35% acceptance rate.

Can I work and study? Absolutely! 20 hours a week during academic time.

Can I stay in Canada after I graduate? Certainly! With pathways like the Canadian Experience Class, permanent residency is within arm’s reach.
